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Surface Miner Common Core Program, job environment, prime movers, mine

Surface Miner Common Core Program

This training document was developed by the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities (MTCU) consultation with representatives from the industry. These Training Standards are intended to be used by workers/trainees, instructors and companies as a “blueprint” for training or as a prerequisite for MTCU accreditation/certification.


Surface mine operations would include the activities that are required to enter a surface mine. These would include the pit, quarry and excavation, the processing plant, maintenance shops, storage facilities, mine road building and maintenance, pumps, generators and material-handling operations directly conducted at the surface mine location. It is where a worker can demonstrate performance objectives as outlined in a specific module. This course covers Common Core Modules that are mandatory will be covered in this 8hr session:

 Modules to be completed, 3 of 3

  1. U5030 Work Safety in the Job Environment
  2. U5031 Perform General Lock Out and Tag on Prime Movers and Other Related Equipment
  3. U5032 Operate Hand and Power Tools


This a full day course.