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W.H.M.I.S. (Global Harmonization System 2015)

Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System


 Half day course

 This course has been designed to educate workers based on the WHMIS regulations and what is required by workers to be safe when using chemical agents and compressed gases in the workplace. The hazards that may harm or injury a worker. We will cover packaging requirements, labeling, and training required under the WHMIS regulations. We will also be introduced to the GHS, Global Harmonization System as it will soon be implemented in Canada.


All participants are required to complete a short quiz to ensure that they have a clear understanding of the material taught and can apply what they have learned.


Program Outline



Our Trainers

Our trainers have the appropriate certifications and many years of experience.



Each participant will be provided with a Certificate of Participation and a copy of the training material utilized.