Accident and Incident Investigation and Reporting
This Practical Workshop ensures that all participants understand the answer to:
- What is an Accident and Incident?
- Why Investigate - Legal, Labour Relations, and Financial Reasons?
- What, When and How to Investigate accident and incidents.
- Who Investigates and Reports the Accident.
- Return to Work Program
Upon completion, the student will be able to:
- Conduct an effective Investigation
- Analyze the data collected to Identify "Root Cause"
- Analyze the Direct and Indirect Costs associated with an accident and it's financial impact on the organization.
- Understand the Benefits and Requirements for reporting and investigating accidents.
- Prepare recommendations and set Priorties
Who should attend this workshop?
This workshop is intended for Managers, Supervisors, Line Supervisors, Health & Safety Representatives, Health & Safety Committee members.
Course Duration 8hrs