Certification Part 1 (JHSC) Training
Certification Part 1 Training (JHSC) Two day course
Basic Certification Part 1 Training
Whenever a workplace in Ontario has met the criteria in the Occupational Health and Safety Act [section 9(2)] to establish a Joint Health and Safety Committee, basically 20 or more employees, they must also comply with the Certification requirements. In other words, at least one member representing management and one member representing workers must be certified under section 9(12) of the Act.
The Act has clearly defined a worker member of the JHSC to be one who does not exercise managerial functions, whereas a management member is defined as one who does exercise managerial functions.
How can we help you?
The Workplace Safety and Insurance Board has approved selected training organizations, in the province of Ontario, and has authorized them as service providers for this specialized Certified Member training program. Richard Busch is an approved provider to facilitate this training program for your employees.
Course Content
The course material we use has met the approval of WSIB. It is a 2-day program which can be conducted in-house at your facility or as a public offering in a central location. The participant manual has been prepared by WSIB and continues to be an excellent resource for any JHSC member long after the training has been completed. We use a customized multi-media presentation to convey the required material to the participants and supply sample forms and documents as well as copies of the latest edition of the Carswell OHSA and the prescribed Ministry of Labour guidelines for the Act and JHSC’s.